KS-Sen: Striking Distance

Rasmussen (6/11, likely voters, 5/13 in parens):

Jim Slattery (D): 39 (40)

Pat Roberts (R-inc): 48 (52)

(MoE: ±4%)

Roberts’ are a very strong 60-33, making the closeness of this race more surprising. The previous three polls we’ve seen of this race gave Roberts a 12-point lead over Slattery, so this one isn’t too far off. While this race will be an uphill fight for Slattery, it definitely is worth watching. If things get close enough, this might be one state where the DSCC decides to flex its financial advantage.

Bonus finding: McCain leads Obama by 47-37 in the same poll.

6 thoughts on “KS-Sen: Striking Distance”

  1. Can’t see it hurting but its probably too much of a stretch to make the state competitive for Obama himself.  

  2. Given a 60-33 favorable for Roberts, Slattery is doing much better than I expected.

    Maybe the margin is still at 12% and this is an outlier, but if this 8% is anywhere near legitimate, then Slattery is impressing me.

  3. I give Slattery a ton of credit for taking this race on, and it shows why it is important to have viable candidates, and not just place-fillers, to run in every race — and I’m speaking as someone who lives in a state where the Democratic Party couldn’t find anyone to take on Senator Lugar last time around!

    You never know what will happen.  Kansas is a very Republican state, but not an over-the-top conservative one.  They’ve seen a moderate/conservative split in their Republican party as serious as any state in the country, and it looks like we can take advantage of that.  Will Slattery win?  Probably not.  But he’s a credible candidate that I bet most Kansans see as a potential United States Senator, so who knows what will happen this fall.

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